Courses offered in State University of Medical Science Enugu

The State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State is one of the higher institutions owned and managed by the Enugu State. The school concentrate all her programmes towards medical sciences. There are various programmes offered in State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State. These programmes have gotten all the approval by both national and international educational / medical bodies Read further for all the programmes / Courses offered in State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State.

What are the Programmes / Courses Offered in State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Allied Health Sciences?

The following programmes / courses are offered in State University of Medical Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Allied Health Sciences:

  • Nursing Science
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Medical Laboratory Science (GMLS)
  • Doctor of Physiotherapy
  • Radiography

What are the Programmes / Courses Offered in State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences?

The following programmes / courses are offered in State University of Medical Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences

  • Human Anatomy
  • Human Physiology

Courses offered in State

What are the Programmes / Courses Offered in State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Pharmacy?

The following programmes / courses are offered in State University of Medical Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Pharmacy:

  • Doctor of Pharmacy


What are the Programmes / Courses Offered in State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Medical Sciences?

The following programmes / courses are offered in State University of Medical Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Medical Sciences;

  • MBBS- Medicine and Surgery


What are the Programmes / Courses-Offered in State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences?

The following programmes / courses are offered in State University of Medical Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences;

  • Molecular Biology
  • Genetics and Biotechnology
  • Pure and Industrial Chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Applied Microbiology and Brewing
  • Information and Communication Technology


What are the Programmes / Courses Offered in State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment?

The following programmes / courses are offered in State University of Medical Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment;

  • Architecture
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Quantity Surveying

The above programmes has been given their full accreditation by the National Universities commission (NUC). More Science programmes are on the way to being given accreditation by the National Universities commission. State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State also have post graduate programmes. These postgraduate programmes are domicile in the Postgraduate School of State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State. You can also click here to visit the State University of Medical and Applied Sciences Igbo Eno, Enugu State official website for other information.

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