Courses Offered in Abdulkadir Kure University Minna

Abdulkadir Kure University Minna is one of the higher institutions owned by the Niger State Government. The institution was established in 2023. There are various programmes offered in the Abdulkadir Kure University Minna. These programmes have been given approval by the various educational bodies in Nigeria. We have taken time to compile the list of all programmes / courses offered in Abdulkadir Kure University Minna. Those who wishes to study in Abdulkadir Kure University Minna can read through to know if their programmes of interest is available in Abdulkadir Kure University Minna.

Courses Offered in Abdulkadir

What Are the Programmes / Courses Offered In Abdulkadir Kure University Minna  

The following programmes / courses are offered in AKUM Faculty of Education

  • Educational Management
  • Guidance and Cognitive Sciences
  • Primary Education
  • Library and Information Science
  • Agricultural Education
  • Building Technology
  • Woodwork Technology
  • Metal Work Technology
  • Auto-Mobile Technology
  • Electrical / Electronic Technology
  • Entrepreneurship Education

Other Courses. offered in Abdulkadir Kure University Minna include

  • Economics
  • Sustainable Development Studies
  • Islamic Studies Education
  • Christian Religious Studies
  • English Education
  • Social Studies and Civic Education
  • History and International Studies
  • Mathematics Education
  • Computer Science Education
  • Chemistry Education
  • Biology Education
  • Physics Education
  • Integrated Science
  • Human Kinetics and Health Education

The above programmes are current programmes in Abdulkadir Kure University Minna. The above programmes have gotten their full accreditation from the National Universities Commission (NUC). More programmes are undergoing accreditation process. Once they have been given accreditation we will update same on this page. Therefore, always come back to this page to view newly approve programmes from Abdulkadir Kure University Minna. You can click here to visit the Abdulkadir Kure University Minna official website for other information.

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