Courses offered by GSU-Gombe State University

The followings are the programmes / Courses offered by GSU – Gombe State University. Read carefully for to see the course of your choice.

Courses offered by GSU

What Are the Courses Offered By GSU-College Of Medical Sciences?

The following faculties are under the College of Medical Sciences


Programmes / courses under this faculty include:

  • Human Anatomy
  • Human Physiology
  • Medical Biochemistry


Programmes / courses under the faculty of Basic Clinical Sciences include:

  • Chemical Pathology
  • Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Haematology and Blood Transfusion
  • Histopathology
  • Medical Microbiology and Immunology

What Are The Courses Offered By-GSUFaculty Of Clinical Sciences?

Programmes / courses under the faculty of clinical Sciences include

  • Anaesthesia
  • Medicine
  • Community Medicine and Public Health
  • Surgery
  • Paediatrics
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Ophthalmology

What Are the COURSES offered by-GSU Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences?

Programmes / courses under the faculty of Arts and Social Sciences include

  • Accounting
  • Business Administration
  • Economics
  • English Studies
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Public Administration
  • Religious Studies
  • Sociology
What Are the Courses Offered By GSU Faculty of Sciences?

Programmes / courses under the faculty of Sciences include

  • Biological Sciences
  • Biochemistry
  • Science laboratory Technology (SLT)
  • Botany
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Mathematical Science
  • Microbiology
What Are the Courses Offered By GSU Faculty of Education?

The programmes / courses under the faculty of Education include


  • Biology Education
  • Chemistry Education
  • Computer Science Education
  • Physics Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Geography Education
  • History Education
  • English Education

What Are the Courses Offered By GSU Educational Foundation?

  • Educational Psychology
  • Guidance and Counselling

What Are the Courses Offered By GSU Faculty of Law?

Programmes / courses under the faculty of Law include

  • Sharia Law
  • Public law

What Are The Courses Offered By GSU Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences?

Programmes / courses under the faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences include

  • Pharmacognosy and Drug Development
  • Pharmacology and Therapeutics
  • Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  • Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacy Practice
  • Phamaceutics and Medical Chemistry

The programmes above have given full accreditation by the National Universities Commission (NUC). More so, the management of Gombe State University is on the process to get accreditation for more programmes. Once that is done, the newly accredited programmes will be updated on this page. You can also click here to visit Gombe State University official website.

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